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Recently, we've gotten a lot of questions from people who have questions about their relationship and whether or not they should be in it. For this month's Special Feature, we've taken a selection of questions from guys and advised them on whether or not to keep dating their partner or move on with their lives in a section we call


Q: My girlfriend is gorgeous. I'm not a bad-looking guy but when we go out it seems like I have to fight off the looks from every guy in the room who can't resist staring at her. I always feel like she's going to break up with me because of all the options she has. Should I beat her to the punch and break up with her first so I have the power in the situation?

A: You're the one going home with her at night, so stop being so jealous and start being appreciative. And have some security in your relationship.

Result: Date 'er!

Q: I met a girl a while ago and I thought we had some pretty good chemistry. She's cute and it's easy to make her laugh. I'll admit I've developed a bit of a crush on her. The thing that drives me crazy is that she'll flirt with me when we're together and I can tell she's having a good time, but then she'll not return my phone calls. I don't call her a million times or anything and I try to keep it casual so I find it hard to believe she thinks I'm pressuring her. She'll instant message me every so often and then tell me she will email me but never does. What do I do?

A: She's a flake. If she doesn't respect your time or effort, she doesn't respect you.

Result: Later!

Q: I was sort of seeing this girl last year in college. She totally took me out of my game! I never tell a girl how attracted I am to her, but I told her a few times. But my God, was I into her when we had sex. I've rarely enjoyed having sex as much as I did with her. She felt great and her body was exactly the kind that turned me on.

The trouble was that she was always late and never did what she said she was going to do as far as things we had planned to do. She just wouldn't show up and then call me a day or two later with an apology and insisting she never did things like that. Last year, the last I heard from her, she was going to make it up to me for not doing what she said she would do. She never showed up.

But now we've kind of crossed paths again and I would still love to hook up with her. I don't really want to date her. Part of me says yes but part of me says no. What do you think?

A: Ack! Another flake!

Result: Later!

Q: I've been dating my girlfriend for almost 3 months. She's great and all, but is kind of the jealous type. She constantly is looking through my cell phone to see if I've called any other girls or if any other girls have called me. She knows the password to my email and has done the same thing with my email. She even blew up at me one time because she looked through my temporary internet files and found pictures of other girls, but those other girls were the girls in ads for dating services that pop up on practically every page on the internet! I have to promise her that I'm faithful almost every week. I'm telling the truth but I hate having to convince her of that all the time.

Is that normal? I know a lot of girls are a little bit jealous, and I think a little bit of jealousy is healthy. This might be too much though.

A: I don't agree that jealousy is healthy. She's a psycho.

Result: Later!

Q: I'm in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend. I know they're difficult, but what's making it worse is the fact that she has a lot of guys that are into her and they basically promise her the world. They make plans with her like, "Oh, if you're with me, we can do this and that and I'll love you forever." Blah blah blah. Fuck those guys. I care for her a lot and am doing everything I can to be able to see her again, but right now I just don't have the opportunity to talk to her or see her every day like those local boys do.

With all these boys promising her things I can't promise her in our current situation, I'm not sure she's sold on the idea that we should be together. Should I let her go?

A: I'm not sure you're sold on the idea that you should be together. Have you talked to her about this? It's obvious you care for her. If you tell her your concerns and explain to her what you've explained here, I think you'll be fine. She's chosen to be with you, despite the long distance relationship. Don't lose sight of the importance of that.

Result: Date 'er!

Q: I'm a huge football fan. A huge football fan. Huge! Got that? I like my woman a bunch but she really isn't into watching football. She'll sit on the couch with me but thinks I'm crazy the way I yell at the TV and she doesn't really care about learning about the game or anything else. I used to date this other girl who liked football lots for a girl and I'm thinking about getting back together with her so I can enjoy my weekends more. My friends want me to ask an "expert" so I guess that's you.

A: I also think you're crazy for yelling at the TV. You know that even if they heard you, which they don't, they wouldn't care one bit what you're saying, right? Anyway, good for her for being part of your football weekends even though it's not her thing. I really hope you're doing the same for her. You know that if you wrote in next month saying, "I broke up with my girlfriend for being supportive" you'd realize what a fool you are, right?

Result: Date 'er!

Q: My girlfriend of 6 months just told me that 2 years ago she had chlamydia. I was naturally pissed and told her I needed some time apart. Am I at risk? What do I do?

A: You're at risk of making a big mistake, but that's it. She had Chlamydia. Had. Not has. Go apologize.

Result: Date 'er!

Prev: Is It Wrong That We Married So Young? - Up: Relationships - Next: How Far Should An Argument Go In A Relationship With Big Age Gap

This article was published on Saturday 16 October, 2010.

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