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Is It Wrong That We Married So Young?

I'm hoping you can help me out. I've been married for 8 years to my high school sweetheart. For the first couple of years we had the kind of relationship that made everyone jealous. We were absolutely smitten. We were just a couple of kids that were crazy about each other and everyone knew it.

Fast forward through the years and things started to change. Life got a lot harder and it seemed like we were less and less perfect for each other. I started wanting more out of life than she did. She was raised in a very simple life on a small farm and I want to travel, drink fancy wine, and rub elbows with people that she can't stand. Also, I wanted more kids, but she insists we're done after only one. I could go on and on listing all the differences that have been revealed in our relationship.

She wants a divorce and I don't, despite knowing that it's the right thing for the both of us. I never thought I could feel so low. I guess I'm afraid that without her I don't have anything. I know that I've absolutely been the best man I could be to her so I feel totally helpless. Is there something I/we did wrong? I don't think it's that we married so young, but I really have no idea how it all went so bad.

- Troy

If we could invent a machine where we could visit ourselves at different points in our lives and ask ourselves who we were at that point in time, we'd get a different answer every time. You're not who you were at 18 when you're 25, you're not who were at 25 when you're 33, and sometimes after something major, you're not even who you were at 35 who you are at 36. Life is a strange combination of growth and changes while simultaneously settling into who you will be. When you enter into a long-term relationship, especially a marriage, you're committing that you'll grow with them. What you can't foresee is whether or not you'll grow in the same direction. It sounds to me like you didn't here, and unfortunately that happens more than we hope it might.

I'm sure that you feel helpless in not only what's going on in the grand scheme of things, but also feel helpless every time a difference comes up between you. It's not that either of you are doing anything wrong; it's just that you're going down different roads. It's extremely difficult to reconcile a situation where one of you wants to go down a certain road and the other can't do it without sacrificing a large part of who they are.

I wish I could give you the words to save everything and make it all how it was years ago, but I can't. All I can tell you is that if it ends and you think, "I could have loved her better. I could have done more," then you'll have a hard time coming to grips with that, maybe forever. But if you've been all you can be, then there are no regrets. Disappointments, yes. Regrets, no. Your road does not - and will not - end. If you can move, you can continue to grow.

Prev: How Will I Break Up With The Girl I Loved? - Up: Relationships - Next: DATE 'ER? OR LATER?

This article was published on Saturday 16 October, 2010.

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