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Why Do Madams Look So Noble And Pimps Slimeballs In The Movies?

I was just watching Young Guns II. Why is it that whenever I see a pimp on TV, he's portrayed as some slimeball, but when I see a madam, she's not portrayed the same way? The madam in this movie is portrayed all cute and even noble. You feel bad for her when they burn her brothel down and chuckle and cheer when she tells off the community.

Compare that to pimps in movies. They're all guys with guns, bad clothes, and drug problems. I guess [madams] don't "slap the bitches around" like a pimp might, but aren't they kind of the same thing in the end?

- Michael P., Philadelphia, PA

That's an interesting observation.

I'm going to say that we love the madam because we find women who are sexual and/or in control of their sexuality fascinating in some way. She is anything but threatening to a man and certainly no woman fears her man permanently leaving her and falling in love with a madam. The head of a house of ill repute must surely have an ill reputation, we assume.

So why the hatred for pimps? I say this has to do with how we feel about the prostitute and ourselves.

Who goes to a whore (I use the word here in the professional sense, surely not with any of the negative connotations it's become associated with) in the first place? All walks of life, of course, but let's say it is generally three groups.

First, there are those with fewer options than the average person. Burn victims, amputees, people with disabilities, and others who don't fit into the little boxes we all put each other in don't always have the same choices as the typical person walking down the street. However, sexual drive and interest don't stop just because you happened to lose a limb at some point. Sex, like life, must go on.

Second, those whose sexual interests include activities or objects that most of us don't associate as being primarily sexual. I'd call this "kink" if people didn't abuse the word and stretch its meaning to the point where it includes a little spank on the butt. Where else might a person get someone to rub black olives all over their butt while telling them what a bad sous chef they are?

Lastly, and likely most commonly, the millions that feel sex is something separate or distant from the lives they live. Maybe they just can't get their partner to do that one thing that really turns them on. Maybe they've never really pleasured a woman like they've fantasized about and the posturing of the whore works for them - sometimes perception is close enough to reality. Or maybe they have never had a partner in the first place.

Even dispelling the stereotypes we've seen as to what pimps say, what they do, and how they look, is there something else underneath it all that maddens a man?

The worst things come to your mind. The two of you have had your thing and you've given her money in exchange for that. And the first thing she does is hand your money, and in part, your experience, over to someone else. And that someone is another man. A man who does her for free. And they're no doubt chortling at your oddities, aren't they? He is walking proof that what you had with her was an imitation of the original.

The vulnerabilities that can be involved in the sexual arena can make us wary of those that touch on our sexuality whom are beyond our control.

Prev: What Is The Best Way To Get Her Off My Mind? - Up: Miscellaneous

This article was published on Wednesday 20 October, 2010.

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